Office Renovations
Industrial Power Systems (IPS) - Rossford, Ohio
The former Ford Club in downtown Rossford is once again alive and well and looking better than the 100-year-old building has looked in its history. That history is also preserved within its new use as the headquarters of IPS. For a long time, the aging building was considered unsalvageable, but a vision and a lot of hard work proved that concept wrong.
The historic building built in 1917 was originally used for the employees of the Ford Company as an entertainment facility, among other things. Looking on the inside, many of the original floors and rafters have been preserved. Many of the walls feature the original brick. Some of the biggest surprises were found when demolishing the old walls, such as authentic fireplaces covered up by drywall.
- 27,000 SF Facility size
- Design Build
- 18 months duration
- $4 million project value