Pump Station Repairs
City of Toledo - Toledo, Ohio
Serving a population of over 400,000, the Bay View Treatment Plant is one of the largest wastewater treatment facilities in Northwest Ohio. The plant is comprised of four large pump stations, two of which Bay View and East Side – that required significant upgrades in order to achieve clean water by meeting effluent limitations and environmental demands.
IPS was responsible for labor, material, and equipment to make aeration tanks concrete repairs, installation of piping and control valves, installation of electrical power wiring, and control wiring to new valves for the 44 B Pump Station project.
IPS was also responsible for the labor and materials necessary for the renovation of the East Side Pumping Station (improvements No. 46 ). Renovations include installation of new windows, roofs, HVAC equipment, vacuum priming system, magnetic flow meters, sewage screening equipment, and associated electrical and mechanical work.
- 2,500 SF Facility size
- Bid build
- $5.3 million project value