Dairy - Renewable Natural Gas
Brightmark - 11 Locations in Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin
IPS was selected as Brightmark’s EPC Partner for the digester/gas upgrade projects at eleven dairy farm locations across Central Michigan (Sunryze, Meadow Rock, Willow Point, Crossroads, and Red Arrow), Ohio (Bridgewater), Iowa (Kirkman, Roorda, Van Ess, Black Soil, and Legacy), and Wisconsin (C-Dairy).
The goal of these RNG projects is to reduce methane being released into the atmosphere by processing it into renewable natural gas (RNG). Sand laden manure from milking cows is collected to a sand separation system where sand is recovered and re-used for the bedding material. The sand free manure is then pumped from the sand separation reception pit to the CSTR digester. The digester produces biogas which is fed to the gas upgrade system where H2S and CO2 constituents are removed from the gas stream. This renewable natural gas is then compressed and conveyed by way of virtual pipeline and direct injection to local pipelines. IPS was responsible for total system design, procurement of all major technology equipment, and construction of the entire RNG process facilities while self-performing concrete, equipment setting, piping, and electrical.
- 1,743,000 Gallons flow rate per day
- $150 Million project value
- EPC Delivery Method
- 24 Months total duration