Safety, it's in our name

We encourage all employees to record a safety observation if someone is performing a safe act or fixing an unsafe hazard. Each month there are winners for the submissions gathered, to reward those who have safety at the top of their mind each and every day.

Job Safety Analysis
A JSA (Job Safety Analysis) card is filled out each day by the project team. The card describes the task at hand, who is involved, what type of equipment/activities will be performed.

Continuous Training
Our team has ongoing training to keep workers interested and motivated to help reduce dangerous behavior and eliminate hazardous situations. Every safety specialist is OSHA 30 hour trained and receives specific training based on the project site requirements.

Jobsite Audits
Safety audits are performed each day by the team on site and randomly throughout the month by internal safety auditors. It’s important to have employees unfamiliar with the day-to-day operations complete walk-throughs for a fresh set of eyes on site conditions.
IPS (Integrity. Performance. Safety). As safety is one of our core values, we are committed to maintaining the highest standard of safety performance possible utilizing the Code of Excellence. We have organized and developed a safety program to address each phase of every project. We evaluate inherent risks that are performed in every day, throughout all levels of work. We train and educate our employees on potential hazards, how to mitigate risks, and how to adhere to our performance standards. We empower our employees with stop work authority for unsafe conditions. We recognize and reward the achievements of employees through our Steel Toe Program, which you can learn more about below.
IPS’ ultimate goal on every job is to be 100% incident free. This includes personal injuries safety violations, and environmental incidents. We comply with all OSHA, EPA, and local laws and regulations along with any specific Owner rules and regulations. We utilize a behavior based safety program. Simply put, our program focuses on what people do, analyze why they do it, and then apply strategies to improve those behaviors. Each employee has the right to stop work at any point if they feel someone is not being safe or there is a potential for an incident to happen.
All employees receive safety training and is equipped with a documented quality system consisting of a manual with policies and procedures for everything we do. IPS has a written safety manual which all employees and subcontractors accept before being on a project site. Besides our own safety orientation program, additional training is offered in key areas such as fall protection, engineered safety systems (floats, angel wings, horizontal life lines), proper use of hand tools, PPE requirements, pre-task planning, emergency response procedures, and substance abuse program and policy. Safety audits are performed daily to ensure everyone is working safe and following each site’s specific safety policies.
One million man-hours without a lost time incident (as of December 31, 2022 – IPS has reached 1,149,375 man hours without a lost time)
NECA (National Electrical Contractors Association)
2022 Recognition of Achievement of Safety Excellence and Zero Injury
MCAA (Mechanical Contractors Association of America)
Safety Excellence Certificate of Commendation – recordable cases incident rate 25% or below the industry average and lost workday cases rate of zero.